Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Welcome, welcome, welcome to the newest way to stay in touch! Here is where you will find any and all information on the upcoming Pembina Valley Challenge and the Biking to the Viking bike tours. It is here where we plan to post timely information, education seminar dates, training ride info, and any other info that needs to get to you.

Feel free to leave comments for anyone here at the MS Society and even for other cyclists. If you are looking to carpool to Notre Dame or want to figure out where to get a seat you saw or are thinking of upgrading and want to sell your bike, post it in the comments area under each post.

This blog will also highlight along the way, some folks who are reaching milestones in their fundraising efforts, growing their teams to new heights, or letting us know about their new and creative ways to raise more money so that we can share it with you to assist you in your efforts. We also want to highlight some amazing volunteers, introduce rookie riders, and gain insight from veteran cyclists.

So welcome. Bookmark the site. And check back often.

Happy training!


the Bike Tour Coordinator said...

Feel free to leave your thoughts, comments, suggestions, ideas, requests and any other info you care to share HERE!

Anonymous said...

I liked the route in 2007. I hadn't participated for a few years and thought this route was a little easier although I didn't finish on Sunday due to a bad knee and lots of wind!

the Bike Tour Coordinator said...

I'm glad you liked it. I have heard passionate pleasure and displeasure about the 07 route and figured the best way to choose was to let the participants decide.

Anonymous said...

I prefer the old route. I'll take #7 over #8 plus the zig zag route makes it easier to handle the kind of wind we had last year.

the Bike Tour Coordinator said...

Thanks for your thoughts. It has been very difficult tryign to a)come up with a new route altogether or b) decide between our two current choices. Hopefully our poll will help!

Anonymous said...

I liked the route last year. A better route, in terms of distances and directions, would be hard to find without using gravel routes, and I assume no one wants that. The 2006 route had one stretch that was way too grueling. It's easy to complain about routes based on wind direction, but impossible to plan one that way.

the Bike Tour Coordinator said...

Well said! One can plan a beautiful route full of great scenery and idyllic beauty on a warm and sunny day. Then all of a sudden, rain or gusting winds and boom, not so great. Hopeully the poll will show us which was the most popular route!