Here is a little bit of an email we recieved from the RCMP, just reminding us that it is unlawful to ride in any other fashion other than single file on the highway...
Operation in single file
145(6) HTA No person shall operate a bicycle or power-assisted bicycle on a highway beside a moped, mobility vehicle, bicycle or power-assisted bicycle that is operating in the same traffic lane.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Ear Bud Alternative
Many thanks to Andrei, a participant of the Stonewall ride, for bringing this to my attention. There is an alternative to ear buds for musical enjoyment while riding!! A new iPod speaker system has been created just for bikes and he believes they are available in Winnipeg at Winners for approximately $40.00 (this info has not been confirmed).
Check out the new iPod Speaker System HERE!
Check out the new iPod Speaker System HERE!
Latest Info
So, as you will see in the newsletter, you have all spoken and the ride will start at 8 a.m.
If you did not get the email in your inbox, fear not! Simply CLICK HERE and you will be taken right to it!!
Have a great weekend everyone, happy cycling!
If you did not get the email in your inbox, fear not! Simply CLICK HERE and you will be taken right to it!!
Have a great weekend everyone, happy cycling!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Gearing Up Stonewall to Gimli
In an effort to cut costs and save money, the mailbox I need you to watch for the upcoming Gearing Up Newsletter is your INBOX!! Newsletters will be sent out via an email link. But don't worry if you don't have email. We will snail mail to those with no registered email addresses in our system and will, of course, link to it from here.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Training Ride
Huge thanks to Woodcock Cycle for hosting the first training ride of the year! Join the crew from Woodcock every Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. and head out for a spin.
Who: You!
What: Training ride
Where: Woodcock Cycle Works, 433 St. Mary's Rd (new location)
When: Friday's, 6 pm
Why: To get ready!
Riders can show up anytime after 5 and mingle with fellow riders until 6 when you should be ready to hit the road!!
Call the store for more details at 253-5896
Gearing Up 1
Is currently underway and will be heading your way sooooon!!! Watch your mailboxes for new information, great contests and more!
S2G Top 10 Fundraisers!
With over a month left to fundraise, here are your current TOP TEN!!!!
There are 7 other top fundraisers inching ever-closer to the top 10!! Keep going!!
Ian Raap $5785.00
Top 9
Ken Hiebert $2650.00
John Bullied $2608.50
Mickey Hoch $2250.00
Stan Funk $2145.00
Kathleen Darvill $2120.00
Chris Palmer $1677.50
Melissa Tennant $1625.00
Stan Lipnowski $1583.00
Peter Meiklejohn $1532.00
There are 7 other top fundraisers inching ever-closer to the top 10!! Keep going!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Gearing Down
Watch your mailboxes for the final newsletter for the PVC for 2008!! Please note that only one newsletter will be sent per household.
A Picture is Worth...
...a brand new bicycle pump courtesy of Woodcock Cycle Works!! Send in photos of how you train for the bike tour and we will choose the best shot and post it right here on the blog! Winner will recieve a tire pump, perfect to bring along on the tour to give our hard working bike repair guys a break!! Simply click on the Enter Now below and email your shots right to me.
Early To Rise...
Ok everyone! Two years ago we started at 8:30, last year we started at 8:00. The PVC started at 9:00. Which will it be?? Please take a moment to vote on the poll to the right and let us know what time on Saturday and Sunday morning you would like to hit the road!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Top Fundraisers PVC 2008
A HUGE congratulations goes out to the following people who made it into or well beyond our $1000 Club!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
So how awesome was that????? I hope you all enjoyed the 2008 Pembina Valley Challenge as much as I did!
Saturday brought sun and the perfect kind of wind for a cyclist and Sunday brought the "challenge" back in to the Pembina Valley Challenge!!
Thank you all so much for your hard work in fundraising, your dedication to the cause, and your passion for the ride. It is so evident when we get to spend a whole weekend with you and you make what we do feel so much more important, if thats even possible!!
Saturday brought sun and the perfect kind of wind for a cyclist and Sunday brought the "challenge" back in to the Pembina Valley Challenge!!
Thank you all so much for your hard work in fundraising, your dedication to the cause, and your passion for the ride. It is so evident when we get to spend a whole weekend with you and you make what we do feel so much more important, if thats even possible!!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Route on Sunday???
Ok cyclists, I need you to help with a huge decision!!
As mentioned in the newsletter, there is construction underway along Hwy 3 between Darlingford and Manitou (essentially RS 1 and RS 2 on Sunday). We were told that there was only a 100 meter stretch of work being done at a time. However, we have since been told that there is indeed only 100 meters being worked on at a time BUT somewhere between 8 to 10 kilometers of highway have had the first layer of road taken off. This has resulted in the very bumpy, very ridgy highway that is fine for cars but not so fine for cyclists.
The town of Manitou is very excited to be hosting us again at their Opera House for lunch and has offered one solution. They are willing to provide a shuttle service around the torn up highway for however many kilometers it is and drop cyclists off once the highway is normal again. They would circulate up to 6 or 8 vehicles to provide this service so no one would be waiting long to get through it. You would also have the option of riding it (only recommended if you have a mtn bike).
For those that think this is a good option but worry that they then would not have actually "ridden" the whole route, we are happy to post a marker 4 or 5 kilometers past Notre Dame so that riding that additional loop would extend your ride to the full weekend amount.
We can send you back the way you came to Morden avoiding the construction altogether but riding the same route.
PLEASE VOTE on the poll to the right to help us make the best choice for you all!!
As mentioned in the newsletter, there is construction underway along Hwy 3 between Darlingford and Manitou (essentially RS 1 and RS 2 on Sunday). We were told that there was only a 100 meter stretch of work being done at a time. However, we have since been told that there is indeed only 100 meters being worked on at a time BUT somewhere between 8 to 10 kilometers of highway have had the first layer of road taken off. This has resulted in the very bumpy, very ridgy highway that is fine for cars but not so fine for cyclists.
The town of Manitou is very excited to be hosting us again at their Opera House for lunch and has offered one solution. They are willing to provide a shuttle service around the torn up highway for however many kilometers it is and drop cyclists off once the highway is normal again. They would circulate up to 6 or 8 vehicles to provide this service so no one would be waiting long to get through it. You would also have the option of riding it (only recommended if you have a mtn bike).
For those that think this is a good option but worry that they then would not have actually "ridden" the whole route, we are happy to post a marker 4 or 5 kilometers past Notre Dame so that riding that additional loop would extend your ride to the full weekend amount.
We can send you back the way you came to Morden avoiding the construction altogether but riding the same route.
PLEASE VOTE on the poll to the right to help us make the best choice for you all!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Just a reminder to all PVC'ers...
New start time is 9:00 am, not 8:30 like in '07.
This gives everyone a little extra time to get to Notre Dame, have some breakfast, relax and prepare for the day ahead.
New start time is 9:00 am, not 8:30 like in '07.
This gives everyone a little extra time to get to Notre Dame, have some breakfast, relax and prepare for the day ahead.
New Start Location for PVC
There is a new starting location for the PVC ride this year. Entering the town of Notre Dame de Lourdes you will turn west on Avenue Notre Dame and on your left you will see the local high school. Please turn left into the school/arena parking lot to park your vehicles. Entry in to the school will be through the glass double doors to the east of the gymnasium doors on the west side of the building. Follow the signs!!
Reg Fee Increase
Just so everyone is aware, the registration fees go up to $40.00 on May 14th for the Biking to the Viking ride! Get in now at $30.00 while you still can!!
For Sale:
Bicycle Carrier - Swagman XP 4-Bike 2" Receiver Rack Fits Class III Hitch
3 years old, in good condition.
New: $259 ($290 incl. tax)
Asking: $150
See Photo HERE
If interested, call Robert at 946-7303 or 832-1071
Bicycle Carrier - Swagman XP 4-Bike 2" Receiver Rack Fits Class III Hitch
3 years old, in good condition.
New: $259 ($290 incl. tax)
Asking: $150
See Photo HERE
If interested, call Robert at 946-7303 or 832-1071
Friday, May 9, 2008
PVC Top Fundraisers Inching Closer!
The latest batch of participants set to break the Top Fundraiser level are coming in strong!
Keep it coming! Anyone who reaches the $1000 mark is invited to the RONA Top Fundraiser Reception being held at the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre right inside the Morden Rec Centre!!
Paul Dupasquier $840.00
Daniel Sonmor $795.00
Michael Finlayson $686.00
Jorden Brooks $463.99
Claudette Blais $285.00
Keep it coming! Anyone who reaches the $1000 mark is invited to the RONA Top Fundraiser Reception being held at the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre right inside the Morden Rec Centre!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Life List Entries
Hey PVC'ers!! Now is your chance to do something you have only ever dreamed of!
Introducing the
PVC Life List Challenge!
Don't waste time, send your entries in now. Tell us something thats on your life list, something that you want to do but never thought you'd be able to, nothing's too huge, nothing's too small, it could be anything at all! EMAIL me and you just might be chosen! We are granting wishes at the dinner in Morden. Don't miss this opportunity!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Hey everyone! Interested in an upgrade? Looking to buy second hand? Just want to see whats new in cycling? Then come on down to the first annual BIKE EXPO being put on by the Tribalistic Triathlon Team!
DATE AND TIME: April 13, 12:30 - 3:00
ADMISSION: Just $2.00!
LOCATION: Sir John Franklin Community Club (corner of Lanark and Corydon)
EXHIBITS: Manitoba Cycling Association, Tribalistic Triathlon Team, local races, local bike shops and more!
FOR SALE: Shop for great deals at exhibitor booths and in the bike corral!
CONTACT: For more information contact
And of course, the RONA MS Bike Tour will be there taking registrations and holding a draw! Don't miss out!!
DATE AND TIME: April 13, 12:30 - 3:00
ADMISSION: Just $2.00!
LOCATION: Sir John Franklin Community Club (corner of Lanark and Corydon)
EXHIBITS: Manitoba Cycling Association, Tribalistic Triathlon Team, local races, local bike shops and more!
FOR SALE: Shop for great deals at exhibitor booths and in the bike corral!
CONTACT: For more information contact
And of course, the RONA MS Bike Tour will be there taking registrations and holding a draw! Don't miss out!!
Pinnie Colors
Want to know how to get a colored pinnie for next year? Just be in the top ten this year and its all yours! When you are riding along the highway and you come up to someone with a yellow pinnie, congratulate them on their fundraising success. Ask them how they did it. Share your stories and successes. Then keep your eyes open for the red pinnie'd rider. They were last years numero uno top fundraiser. Give him a congrats, ride together for awhile (single file please), gain some fabulous knowledge for next years fundraising and soon you too will be proudly wearing a colored pinnie!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Super 8 Motel
If anyone has booked themselves in to the Super 8 in Morden for Saturday May 31 and didn't say they were with the bike tour, please give ther Super 8 a call. You are potentially missing out on the discounted rate set especially for bike tour participants!
Call 204-822-2003 today to let them know you are a bike tour cyclist!
Call 204-822-2003 today to let them know you are a bike tour cyclist!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Saving Money
If you have more than one person involved in the bike tour living at the same address, please note that only one newsletter will be mailed to that address. It is intended to be shared with all participants residing at the specified address. It is a super way to save money on postage.

Tell all your friends! We are looking for volunteers for the PVC! If you know anyone who would be willing to give of their time, we will find the perfect job for them!
Please email Candace, Coordinator of Volunteer Services, and she will get back to you right away. Without volunteers our events could not happen.
Volunteers can sign up as part of a team and even collect pledges. Earn prizes and help your team at the same time!
Please email Candace, Coordinator of Volunteer Services, and she will get back to you right away. Without volunteers our events could not happen.
Volunteers can sign up as part of a team and even collect pledges. Earn prizes and help your team at the same time!
PVC Gearing Up
Newsletters are being sent out this week!! Watch your mail for all of the new and exciting stuff happening in the 2008 PVC!
Here are the current top fundraisers from the PVC and the Biking to the Viking rides:
PVC - Lise Deleurme $200.00
BttV - Stan Lipnowski $1548.00
CONGRATULATIONS and keep up the hard work!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Woodcock Cycle Movie Night
Come one come all to the annual Woodcock Cycle Movie Night!
Who: Anyone who loves to ride a bike
When: Tuesday March 18, doors open at 6, movie starts at 7:30
When: Tuesday March 18, doors open at 6, movie starts at 7:30
Where: Park Theatre on Osborne
Why: To remind us about all things two-wheeled and motorless!
What: "Detour de France", a movie about the in's and out's of the tour de france
How (much): $10.00 at Woodcock Cycle or at the door of the Park
Don't miss it! Light snacks will be available and the famous Park Theatre Cafe will be open and ready to serve. Come early, mingle, check out the booths and get ready for a great show!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
New Jersey and Shorts Design!
Here it is!! The new 2008 $1000 Club jersey and shorts that you all work so hard to get! Haven't recieved one yet? All you have to do is hand in $1000 in fundraising dollars by the bike tour and ta-da, its yours!!

Monday, February 4, 2008
National Top 100!
Guess what? Three amazing cyclists from the Biking to the Viking made the National Top 100 Fundraiser list!
Bernard Lofchick #3 in Canada
with $36, 629.64!
Ian Raap #29 in Canada with $11, 735.00!
Stan Funk #86 in Canada with $6385.00!
Let's give these gentlemen a huge round of applause and heres to getting even more cyclists on the Top 100 list in 2008!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Gimli Route is CHOSEN!
Well, the cyclists have spoken! Hopefully you voted because for 2008 you will be getting to Gimli the same way you did in 2006!

With a total vote of 51% for 2006, 44% for 2007 and 2% wanting a new route altogether, 2006 stole the vote. Rest Stops are being looked into and appropriately spaced stops will be sought. Keep watching for updated maps with some brand new rest stop locations!
With a total vote of 51% for 2006, 44% for 2007 and 2% wanting a new route altogether, 2006 stole the vote. Rest Stops are being looked into and appropriately spaced stops will be sought. Keep watching for updated maps with some brand new rest stop locations!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Moksha Yoga is Getting You Fit!

Has the thought of starting your training for the RONA MS Bike Tour left you in the cold? Icy roads and windchills stopped you from gearing up? Well now’s your chance to forget about the winter blues and get spinning!
Moksha Yoga on Donald is making you an offer you can’t refuse (if you want to be prepared)! Now available exclusively for registered participants of the Pembina Valley Challenge and the Biking to the Viking:
the newly created
RONA MS Bike Tour Package!
As a registered cyclist, you are entitled to receive a pass for
3 cycling classes for just $30.00!!
(regular Group Cycling, Cycling and Strength combo class or the 90 minute Warrior Spin Class) (Retail value $48.00)
To read about Moksha’s other classes or to check out their Spin class schedule and find the perfect class for you, just click HERE!
Don’t miss out, this offer expires May 1, 2008.
Friday, January 25, 2008
PVC Filling Up!
The PVC is already half full! As of today there are only 75 spaces left for the Pembina Valley Challenge! If you know people who want to ride, send them over to the bike tour site to register now!
Grow your team, win great prizes, don't miss out. If you have any questions about your team or want to be on a team and take part in teamMS, feel free to email Matthew at and he'll take care of you!
One of my favorite spots on the PVC route...
'06 Leads the Way
With only 7 more days left to cast your vote for the route to Gimli, the 2006 route is in the lead. This route consisted of travel on Hwy 236, Hwy 7, Hwy 17, Hwy 8, Hwy 225 and Hwy 9. In feedback from the 06 ride, you mentioned the distances between the rest stops were a bit wonky. Should 2006 be the final choice by the cyclists, the rest stop locations will be evaluated and changed to ensure a more spread out ride between each one. I believe that all were in favor of the 2007 rest stop distances being approximately 10-12 km apart an I will strive to ensure that the route for 2008 offers the same comfort.
Vote if you haven't!
Vote if you haven't!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
TAKE THE POLL! Gimli Route!
Make your voice heard! Take the poll on the right hand side of the blog and let us know what route you want to ride for the Biking to the Viking 2008. We are leaving it in the hands of the riders. We have heard both good and bad about the BttV 2007 route and some folks want to go back to 06 and some don't want us to change a thing. You guys will decide.
Poll closes on January 30, 2008. Vote once, but make sure you vote. The route with more votes is the route we ride in 08!
Poll closes on January 30, 2008. Vote once, but make sure you vote. The route with more votes is the route we ride in 08!
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